boAt, the leading Indian consumer electronics brand, has taken an exciting step by appointing Jasleen Kaur Royal, the acclaimed Bollywood singer-songwriter, as its brand ambassador. Known for her hit songs such as Heeriye, Ranjha, Din Shagna Da, and Love You Zindagi, Royal is set to bridge the gap between the brand and the younger audience.
boAt X Jasleen Kaur Royal
Jasleen Kaur Royal: A Cultural Icon for the Youth
Jasleen Kaur Royal’s unique voice and musical style have made her a cultural icon, resonating deeply with today’s youth. Her song Heeriye became a national sensation, showcasing her talent and establishing her as a formidable presence in the music industry. With her widespread appeal, Royal is the perfect ambassador to represent boAt, a brand known for revolutionizing the audio industry with its innovative products.
Aman Gupta on the New Partnership
Aman Gupta, co-founder and chief marketing officer of boAt, expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration. He stated, “Jasleen Royal is not just a talented musician but also a cultural icon who represents the spirit of today’s youth. Her song Heeriye became a national sensation, establishing her as a force to be reckoned with. We are delighted to have her on board as our brand ambassador. Her unique style and widespread appeal will undoubtedly strengthen boAt’s connection with music enthusiasts and fans.”
Jasleen Kaur Royal’s Perspective
Jasleen Kaur Royal also shared her excitement about joining the boAt family. She remarked, “I am thrilled to join forces with boAt, a brand that has revolutionized the audio industry with its innovative products. Music is a universal language, and I believe boAt’s commitment to delivering superior sound experiences aligns perfectly with my own passion for creating music that resonates deeply with listeners.”
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Jasleen Kaur Royal as brand ambassador
As the new brand ambassador, Royal will play a crucial role in connecting boAt with the younger demographic. Her vibrant personality and musical prowess make her an ideal representative for a brand that aims to deliver high-quality audio experiences to music lovers across the country.
boAt’s decision to bring Jasleen Kaur Royal on board as its brand ambassador marks a significant move in strengthening its brand presence among the youth. With her talent and widespread appeal, Royal is set to elevate the brand’s image and create a deeper connection with music enthusiasts and fans.