Junglee Games, one of India’s biggest online skill-gaming companies, has made a big announcement by signing Ajay Devgn as the brand ambassador for its online rummy platform, Junglee Rummy. This move comes as a part of Junglee Rummy’s latest national campaign ‘Rummy Bole Toh Junglee Rummy’ that emphasizes its player-first approach and commitment to trust and player safety.
With over a decade of experience in the online rummy industry, Junglee Rummy is leading the way with its state-of-the-art gaming technology, robust security infrastructure, and a player base of over 6 crore real players. Ajay Devgn’s association with Junglee Rummy will bring immense trust and credibility to the platform and further cement its position as India’s most trusted rummy platform.
The first high-decibel commercial of the ‘Rummy Bole Toh Junglee Rummy’ campaign went live in multiple languages across TV, digital media, radio, music-streaming platforms, OTT, and cinemas at the end of February 2023. This campaign will help Junglee Rummy to connect with its target audience more effectively and communicate its message of trust and safety with greater conviction.
Commenting on his association with Junglee Rummy, Ajay Devgn said, “I am delighted to be associated with Junglee Rummy, India’s most trusted rummy site, and to be part of their campaign ‘Rummy Bole Toh Junglee Rummy.’ With its established expertise and state-of-the-art gaming technology, the platform has taken the game to the next level and has over 6 crore real players playing on the app.”
Bharat Bhatia, Vice President of Marketing at Junglee Games, said, “Ajay Devgn’s mastery of his craft and his pan-India recognition make him the perfect brand ambassador for further cementing Junglee Rummy’s position as India’s most trusted rummy platform. We are confident that he will help us deliver the message of trust and safety to our target audience with greater conviction and create a massive impact.”
In conclusion, Junglee Games have taken a significant step towards strengthening its position in the online rummy industry by signing Ajay Devgn as the brand ambassador for Junglee Rummy. The ‘Rummy Bole Toh Junglee Rummy’ campaign will help the platform to connect with its target audience more effectively and communicate its message of trust and safety with greater conviction. With its state-of-the-art gaming technology and robust security infrastructure, Junglee Rummy is leading the way in the online rummy industry, and Ajay Devgn’s association will further enhance its position as India’s most trusted rummy platform.