Marico’s Nihar Shanti Amla has announced the appointment of Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt as its brand ambassador. The company has also launched a new TVC with the motto – ‘Baal Badhenge, Bachche Padhenge’ featuring Alia Bhatt. The TVC delivers the brand’s dual message of beautiful hair and its commitment to girl-child education.
The new campaign showcases Alia Bhatt as a co-curricular mentor in a school, bonding with and helping children prepare for their annual day. She is fondly addressed as ‘didi’ by her students, who are mesmerized by her long, thick, black hair, and recite short couplets as an ode to her beautiful hair intertwined with references to education. The film emphasizes the brand’s commitment to its purpose, and aptly ends with the line “Baal Badhenge, Bacche Padhenge”.
Check out the “Baal Badhenge, Bacche Padhenge” TVC of Nihar Shanti Amla
Nihar Shanti Amla Hair Oil promotes healthy hair and supports education for the next generation. 5% of the brand’s profits go towards primary education. The ad film empowers women to make a difference and contribute to this cause. The ad film promotes functional benefits and also empowers women to make a difference by contributing to a cause they care about.
Speaking about the new campaign and the association with Alia Bhatt, Somasree Bose Awasthi, Chief Marketing Officer, Marico Limited, said, “We are delighted to welcome Alia into the Marico and Nihar Naturals family. Nihar Shanti Amla, at its core, is a purpose-led brand that champions the cause of progress through children’s education. We are confident that the TVC will strike a chord with women everywhere.”
The new campaign has been conceptualized by Team WPP and directed by Abhishek Varman. Anurag Agnihotri, Managing Partner, Team WPP, said, “We wrote a script that was a perfect vehicle for Alia’s talent, youthful energy, and charm. The sweet, simple idea, marrying the brand purpose with its role in hair health and beauty, carries the message in a way that brings a smile to the face.”
The director of the ad film, Abhishek Varman, added, “Sometimes, creating a vibrant, warm environment and giving your cast the space to exert their natural charm is enough. In this case, it was.”
The ad film has been released on television and will also be featured later on digital platforms.
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So, the new campaign by Nihar Shanti Amla, featuring Alia Bhatt, combines beauty and a social cause. The campaign emphasizes both gorgeous hair and the brand’s dedication to girl-child education. So, Nihar Shanti Amla’s unique brand purpose and captivating TVC will resonate with the target audience.
Agency: WPP
Director: Abhishek Varman