Anushka Sharma, who is PUMA’s brand ambassador has recently shared a video on her Instagram under the title “Propah Lady” where she was seen working out with great intensity. The video showcased her lifting weights, doing squats, and boxing, which highlighted her fit and fabulous physique. In the video, Anushka cleverly broke gender stereotypes by taking commonly imposed rules for women, such as sitting properly, covering their bodies, and drinking like a lady, and applying them to the context of the gym. Through her participation in the “Propah Lady” campaign, Anushka encourages women to embrace their individuality and break free from societal expectations.
“Anushka is known for speaking her mind, being unconventional in her choices & following her own rules. This video is a perfect demonstration of her personality. “Propah lady”, which she is seen referencing in the video, was a campaign launched by Puma in 2019 with celebrated women who were unafraid to break the mold and shatter stereotypes of what women were conventionally expected to be, simply by just being themselves,” the company said in a release.
Also Read : Let There Be Sport”: PUMA’s New Campaign Challenges the Extra-Curricular Label of Sports.
In the latest video shared by Anushka Sharma, she can be seen wearing a striking Adriatic-colored sports bra from PUMA’s First Mile Collection, which is made from recycled materials. Anushka’s energetic workout routine and her choice of attire add to the Propah Lady movement, promoting women to make their fitness and well-being a priority and live life on their own terms.
Propah Lady, which first debuted in 2019 with celebrities like Sara Ali Khan and Mary Kom, has now been extended with Anushka Sharma as the newest addition. The campaign aims to break the stereotypes that confine women and highlight that being a proper lady does not mean being bound by restrictions. The concept of a Propah Lady encourages women to embrace their individuality and live on their own terms while still embodying grace and elegance.
Anushka Sharma is widely recognized for her outspokenness, her unconventional approach toward life, and her ability to live life on her own terms. The video she shared on her Instagram page perfectly portrays her personality and values. Anushka referred to the “Propah Lady” campaign in the video, which was launched by PUMA in 2019 featuring prominent women who challenged stereotypes and shattered expectations through their individuality and authenticity. The campaign celebrated women who were unafraid to break the mold and inspired others to do the same.
Agency: Digitas India
Production House –The Artist Collective
Films Director – Priyanka Ghose
Producer – Akhil lyer
DOP – Premal Raval
Art Director – Yatin Powle Chief AD Anil Chauhan