Former Indian cricket team captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, has been featured in a new campaign launched by Rigi, a platform that caters to creators. The campaign focuses on Dhoni’s ambition to learn about content creation from renowned creators like Tanmay Bhat, Kusha Kapila, Sharan Hegde, and Gaurav Taneja.
The campaign, which is written and creatively directed by Vishal Dayama and Tanmay Bhatt, is produced and directed by The Rabbit Hole. It includes four films and centers on Dhoni’s transition from cricket to becoming a creator. Dhoni aims to display his expertise in many fields and pass on his years of experience through content creation.
The Rigi Campaign features MS Dhoni as the brand ambassador, showcasing his desire to become a successful YouTuber, edtech/fintech educator, vlogger, and Insta Creator. In each humorous video, the content creators recommend M.S. Dhoni to join them in a one-on-one paid session on the Rigi app, resulting in a strong and memorable call to action at the end. The campaign highlights the importance of seeking guidance from experts in different fields of content creation and stepping out of one’s comfort zone to explore new avenues.
In the videos, Dhoni channels his inner mischief as he suggests slapping copyrights on the Dhoni memes that Tanmay Bhatt reacts to. The campaign seamlessly incorporates a call-to-action, urging viewers to download the Rigi app for one-on-one paid sessions with the renowned creators themselves.
Saptarshi Ray, who handles creative marketing at Rigi, said, “We are thrilled to launch this campaign with MS Dhoni on board to showcase the potential of our platform. Our goal has always been to empower creators with the tools they need to connect with their audiences and monetize their content, and this campaign highlights that perfectly. With great partners in Vishal, Tanmay & The Rabbit Hole, we look forward to seeing the impact this campaign will have on our community.”
Rishabh Khatter, Business Head of The Rabbit Hole, (Zoo Media Network) said, “At The Rabbit Hole, we take the opportunities to elevate a campaign very seriously, and with so many great stakeholders and pieces of the puzzle coming together, things just fit right. With Rigi championing the share of voice in the creator and community building space, we have faith that this partnership will triumph.”
The campaign has a light-hearted tone and humorously portrays Dhoni’s journey as a content creator. It aims to inspire aspiring creators to step out of their comfort zone and seek guidance from experts in the field to create engaging content.
So, Rigi’s new campaign featuring MS Dhoni showcases the platform’s potential to empower creators and help them connect with their audiences while monetizing their content. With Dhoni’s transition from cricket to content creation, the campaign encourages creators to explore new avenues and seek guidance from experts in different fields. The campaign is a lighthearted and humorous take on Dhoni’s journey as a content creator and aims to inspire aspiring creators to take the plunge and create engaging content.