Cetaphil, a renowned skincare brand, introduces its newest television commercial campaign, “Hum Skin Ki Sune Tum, Tum Dil Ki Suno.” The advertisement centers on the daily struggles encountered by women, such as demanding work schedules, fluctuating weather conditions, and the potential effects of these factors on their skin.
What is Cetaphil campaign ‘Hum Skin Ke Sune, Tum Dil Ki Suno’?
Cetaphil’s campaign, ‘Hum Skin Ke Sune, Tum Dil Ki Suno,’ aims to tackle the daily challenges faced by women, ranging from demanding working hours to changing weather conditions. The ad film, launched across television, digital, press, and various mediums, focuses on these issues and their impact on women’s skin.
Conceptualized by Jio Creative Labs, the narrative unfolds through a conversation between an aunt and her pilot niece, shedding light on the trials of navigating life’s demands with sensitive skin. The campaign emphasizes the importance of skincare, especially in the midst of a busy life, and introduces Cetaphil’s moisturizing lotion as a solution to combat skin dryness.
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The 360-degree campaign defends against the five signs of skin sensitivity, enabling individuals to pursue their ambitions without compromising on their skincare needs. Recently unveiled at the Nykaaland festival, the TVC provides a holistic experience, featuring skincare sessions, live demonstrations by top dermatologists, and hands-on encounters with the brand’s wide range of skincare solutions.
What do experts have to say about this campaign?
Raghavendra Sadashiva, managing director, India and South Asia, commented, “We wanted to emphasise the challenges faced by consumers with sensitive skin and how Cetaphil benefits to maintain healthy and comfortable skin. The thought was to appeal to both the practical and emotional needs of these consumers and highlight our product offerings. Hum Skin Ki Sune Tum, Tum Dil Ki Suno epitomises our commitment to nurturing skin resilience, enabling individuals to radiate confidence and grace, unencumbered by external challenges.”
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In conclusion, Cetaphil’s ‘Hum Skin Ke Sune, Tum Dil Ki Suno’ campaign stands as a testament to the brand’s commitment to addressing the diverse skincare needs of women facing the challenges of demanding lifestyles. The carefully crafted narrative, conceptualized by Jio Creative Labs, not only highlights the significance of skincare in daily life but also introduces Cetaphil’s moisturizing lotion as a reliable solution. With its 360-degree approach across various media platforms and a memorable launch at the Nykaaland festival, the campaign offers a comprehensive experience, emphasizing the brand’s dedication to empowering individuals to prioritize skincare without compromising on their ambitions. As Cetaphil continues to champion skin health, the campaign serves as an inspiring call to action for individuals to listen to their skin and prioritize self-care amidst life’s demands.