In Goibibo’s latest ad film, Kareena Kapoor Khan, also known as Bebo, makes a nostalgic appearance, evoking memories for all. Previously embodying the character of Poo from “Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham” for the “Hotels aise on Goibibo, full marks by Bebo” campaign, she now embraces her Geet persona from “Jab We Met”. This advertisement is crafted by Talented. Agency.
Kareena Kapoor brought back Geet in the Goibibo ad film
In Goibibo’s latest campaign, Kareena Kapoor Khan, fondly known as Bebo, returns in a nostalgic role that strikes a chord with audiences. Previously, she portrayed the iconic Poo character from “Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham” in the “Hotels aise on Goibibo, full marks by Bebo” campaign. Now, she embraces her Geet persona from “Jab We Met”. This campaign is conceptualized by Talented. Agency.
Also Read: Goibibo Become ‘Goibebo’ With Kareena Kapoor as brand Ambassador – Agency Masala
Description of Ad Scene
In the ad, the opening notes of the “Mauja Hi Mauja” song instantly evoke nostalgia. Kareena adorns a vibrant orange kurti, her hair neatly tied in a ponytail. Accompanied by a friend, they chance upon a questionable hotel named Hotel Descent. Shocked, Kareena’s character, reminiscent of Geet, confronts the receptionist with her trademark sass. “Waise yaha rehne ke liye paise lagte hei ya free ka hai? Kyuki chillar nahi he mere paas!” (Do you charge for staying here or is it complimentary? Because I don’t have any change)
Character Portrayal
In the film, Kareena’s portrayal of Geet Dhillon, a spirited and expressive individual, is hailed as one of her finest performances. Geet’s journey of self-discovery and love resonates deeply with audiences.
Also Read: MyGlamm Launches #SuperMakeupForASuperYou Campaign – Agency Masala
Award Recognition
Kareena’s stellar performance in “Jab We Met” earned her a prestigious Filmfare award for Best Actress, solidifying her talent and versatility in the industry.
In conclusion, Kareena Kapoor’s iconic portrayal of Geet in Imtiaz Ali’s “Jab We Met” continues to captivate audiences even years after its release. Her vibrant and spirited characterization, coupled with the film’s timeless narrative, has solidified its place among the classics of Indian cinema. Through her memorable performance, Kareena not only won critical acclaim but also etched Geet into the hearts of moviegoers, showcasing her prowess as one of Bollywood’s most versatile and beloved actresses.