Bollywood icon Sunny Deol has made a smashing debut in the Indian advertising scene, showcasing his legendary ‘dhai kilo ka haath’ in a 60-second ad for Bangur Cement. This ad, conceptualized by McCann Worldgroup, not only pays homage to a classic dialogue from his movie Damini 31 years ago but also cleverly taps into the growing trend of celebrities embodying their on-screen personas in advertisements.
The Bangur Cement Ad
The captivating Bangur Cement ad features Sunny Deol being asked to repeat his iconic dialogue at various building inaugurations. With a thumping action of his arm, he inadvertently destroys the properties, leaving onlookers bewildered. However, the twist comes when his mighty action fails to impact a wall constructed with Bangur Cement. It is then that the actor realizes there is something mightier than his famous ‘dhai kilo ka haath’ – Bangur Cement.
Nostalgia in Advertising
This latest Bangur cement ad adds to the trend where celebrities leverage their on-screen characters rather than just their faces for brand endorsements. Over the past 16 months, this strategy has gained momentum in the Indian advertising landscape. Examples include the appearance of Munna Bhai and Circuit for Acko Health Insurance, the cast of CID and Crime Patrol for boAt, and Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone playing shades of their Pathaan characters for a Hyundai Creta ad.
Other Notable Campaigns
The Dream11 campaign featuring the cast of 3 Idiots and Pratik Gandhi channeling his Harshad Mehta avatar for CenturyPly Club highlight the effectiveness of nostalgia in capturing audience attention. Even Kareena Kapoor made a charming return by reprising her iconic Poo character for Goibibo.
Bangur Cement’s Timely Move
The timing of Bangur Cement’s ad is noteworthy, coinciding with Sunny Deol’s professional high after the success of Gadar 2. This strategic move comes right on the heels of Ultra Tech Cement’s ad featuring its new brand ambassador, Shah Rukh Khan, emphasizing the intense competition in the cement industry and the creative ways brands are differentiating themselves.
Sunny Deol’s collaboration with Bangur Cement for this unique and entertaining ad campaign not only showcases the actor’s enduring popularity but also emphasizes the power of nostalgia in advertising. As celebrities continue to bring their on-screen characters to life in advertisements, brands are finding new and innovative ways to connect with audiences, proving that sometimes, a memorable dialogue can be mightier than a celebrity’s face. With the cement industry witnessing fierce competition, this campaign positions Bangur Cement as a force to be reckoned with in the market.